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People: Courses
Bailey Ashton Adie has a research focus on the use of heritage as a tool to alleviate poverty and inequalities through community-driven tourism projects.
Polina Baum-Talmor studies the implications of flexible employment practices for individuals and organisations within the context of the global shipping industry.
Toby Bennett is interested in work, organisation and professional life in the cultural and creative economy, particularly the music industries.
Helen Devereux researches the organisation of work and employment and the various ways in which factors related to this impact on health, safety and well-being.
Richard Elliott’s expertise lies in the areas of globalisation and migration in football.
Brian McDonough’s research focuses on the experts’ use of information and communication technology in the workplace. Brian is also interested in precarious work and the increased use of automation in society and he has also written work on ideas for a universal basic income.
Jane Parry researches the changing nature of work and employment, how unpaid work relates to careers and shifts over the lifecourse, and how inequalities and disadvantages operate within the labour force.
Nick Potts researches the area of value creation from a Marxist perspective, covering the source of profit, the tendential behaviour of business and its affect on inequality, both within and between countries, and the stability and environmental sustainability of the economy.
Philippa Velija’s research explores gender relations in sport.
Workshop Course
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