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Publications : Publications
Alcock, P., Kendall, J. and Parry, J. (2012, November) ‘From the third sector to the Big Society: Consensus or contention in the 2010 UK general election?’, Voluntary Sector Review, 3 (3): 347-363.
Barnes, H. and Parry, J. (2004) ‘Renegotiating Identity and Relationships: Men and women’s adjustments to retirement’, Ageing and Society, 24 (2): 213-233.
Baum-Talmor, P. (in press). Careers at sea: Exploring Seafarer Motivations and Aspirations. In Sampson, H. and Gekara, V. (eds). World of the seafarer.
Baum-Talmor, P. (2014). From sea to shore: Ethnographic account of seafarers’ experience on-board merchant ships. Sage Cases in Methodology, 17. DOI:
Bennett, T. (2015). Learning the Music Business: Evaluating the “Vocational Turn” in Music Industry Education (London: UK Music)
Bennett, T. (2018). ‘Towards “Embedded Non-creative Work”? Administration, Digitisation and the Recorded Music Industry’. International Journal of Cultural Policy. Online first.
Bennett, T. (2018). ‘“Essential – Passion for Music”: Affirming, Critiquing and Practicing Passionate Work in Creative Industries’, in L. Martin and N. Wilson (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity at Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 431-459.
Bennett, T. (2018). ‘“The Whole Feminist Taking-your-Clothes-off Thing”: Negotiating the Critique of Gender Inequality in UK Music Industries’. IASPM@Journal 8(1), 24-41.
Brookfield, K., Parry, J. and Bolton, V. (2018) ‘Going Solo: Lifelong non-participation among the NCDS cohort’, Leisure Studies, 37 (5): 547-560.
Brookfield, K., Parry, J. and Bolton, V. (2018) ‘Getting the measure of prosocial behaviours: A comparison of participation and volunteering data in the National Child Development Study and linked Social Participation and Identity Study’, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Devereux, H. (In press). Transition and adjustments made by seafarers whilst onboard. In Sampson, H. and Gekara, V. (eds). World of the seafarer.
Elliott, R. (Ed.) (2017). 'The English Premier League: A socio-cultural analysis'. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. & Harris J. (Eds.) (2015). 'Football and Migration: Perspectives, places, players'. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. (2017). 'Introduction: 25 years of the English Premier League'. In R. Elliott (Ed.) The English Premier League: A socio-cultural analysis. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. (2017). 'Winning the war for talent: foreign players, status and the English Premier League'. In R. Elliott (Ed.) The English Premier League: A socio-cultural analysis. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. (2017). 'The best league in the world? Predicting the future of the English Premier League'. In R. Elliott (Ed.) The English Premier League: A socio-cultural analysis. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. (2015). 'Chasing the ball: The motivations, experiences and effects of migrant professional footballers'. In R. Elliott & J. Harris (Eds.) Football and Migration: Perspectives, places, players. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. & Harris, J. (2015). 'Playing the long-ball game: Future directions in the study of football and migration'. In R. Elliott & J. Harris (Eds.) Football and Migration: Perspectives, places, players. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. (2013). 'Reinventing the past: Youth and national team development in England and Germany'. In A. Waine & K. Naglo (Eds.) On and off the field: Football culture in England and Germany. Berlin: Springer.
Elliott, R. & Maguire, J. (2010). ''Net-gains': Informal recruiting, Canadian players and British professional ice hockey'. In J. Maguire & M. Falcous (Eds.) Sport and Migration: Borders, Boundaries and Crossings. London: Routledge.
Elliott, R. & Gusterud, E. (2018). 'Finding the back of the net: Networks and migrant recruitment in Norwegian football'. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(1), 69-83.
Elliott, R. (2016). 'Football’s Irish exodus: Examining the factors influencing Irish player migration to English professional leagues'. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(2), 146-161.
Elliott, R. (2014). 'Brits abroad: A case study analysis of three British footballers migrating to the Hungarian Soproni Liga, Soccer and Society', 15(4), 517-534.
Elliott, R. (2013). 'New Europe, new chances?: The migration of professional footballers to Poland's Ekstraklasa', International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48(6), 736-750.
Elliott, R. & Bania, K. (2013). 'Poles apart: Foreign players, Polish football and Euro 2012, Soccer and Society special issue, 'Exploring the cultural, ideological and economic legacies of Euro2012'', Soccer and Society, 15(2), 256-271.
Elliott, R. & Harris, J. (2011). 'Crossing the Atlantic from Football to Soccer: Preliminary Observations on the Migrations of English Players and the Internationalization of Major League Soccer', Working USA, 14(4), 555-568.
Elliott, R. & Weedon, G. (2010). 'Foreign players in the Premier Academy League: ‘Feet-Drain’ or ‘Feet-Exchange’?' International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(1), 61-75.
Elliott, R. (2009). ''Feet-Drain' or 'Feet-Exchange'?: Examining the Effects of Elite Foreign Footballers in the Premier Academy League'. Birkbeck Sports Business Centre Research Paper Series, 2(2), 71-87.
Elliott, R. & Maguire, J. (2008). ''Getting Caught in the Net': Examining the Recruitment of Canadian Players in British Professional Ice Hockey'. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 32(2), 158-176.
Elliott, R. & Maguire, J. (2008). ''Thinking Outside of the Box': Exploring a Conceptual Synthesis for Research in the Area of Athletic Labour Migration'. Sociology of Sport Journal, 25(4), 482-497.
Harris, J. & Elliott, R. (2015). 'Perspectives, places and players: An introduction to football and migration'. In R. Elliott & J. Harris (Eds.) Football and Migration: Perspectives, places, players. London: Routledge.
Kliman, A.; A. Freeman; N. Potts; A. Gusev and B. Cooney (2015). "Als hätte es 'Das Kapital' nie gegeben: Michael Heinrichs Versuch, die Marx'sche Krisentheorie zu eliminieren." Marxistische Blätter 3_15. Essen: Neue Impulse Verlag. Note English version available from the U.S. Social Science Research Network website, ‘The Unmaking of Marx's Capital: Heinrich's Attempt to Eliminate Marx's Crisis Theory.’
Maguire, J. Mazur, Z. Wawrzyczek, I. & Elliott, R. (2009). ''New Europe, Old Games': Making Sense of Anglo-Polish Media Coverage of England versus Poland Football Matches'. Sport in Society, 12(2), 141-154.
Malcolm, D & Velija, P. (2019) Figurational Research in Sport, Leisure and Health. London: Routledge.
McDonough, B., Foley, A., Ginsburg, N., Isaacs, S., Silverstone, D., Young, T. (2015) Social Problems in the UK: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
McDonough, B (2017) Precarious Work in Europe, in Isaacs, S (Ed) European Social Problems London: Routledge.
McDonough, B (2017) The Hands Have It: Tactile Participation and Maximum Grip in the Aviation Sector. Qualitative Research.
Mierzwinski, M, Cock, S & Velija, P. (2019) Bullying in School Sport a Figurational Position Statement, Quest (accepted in press).
Parry, J., Um, J. and Zaidi, A. (2018) ‘Monitoring active ageing in the Asia-Pacific region: Recommendations for future implementation of the MIPAA’, International Journal of Ageing in Developing Countries, Special MIPAA Issue, 2 (2): 82-198.
Parry. J. (2009) ‘Review essay: The enduring salience of class analysis for sociologies of work’, Sociology, 43 (5): 1007-13.
Parry, J. and Taylor, R.F. (2007, July) ‘Orientation, opportunity and autonomy: why people work after state pension age in three areas of England’, Ageing and Society, 27 (4): 579-598.
Parry, J. (2003) ‘The Changing meaning of work: Restructuring in the former coalmining communities of the South Wales Valleys’, Work, Employment and Society, 17 (2): 227-246.
Parry, J. (2006) ‘The Transitions to Adulthood of Multiply-Deprived Young People’, in C. Leccardi and E.Ruspini (eds.) A New Youth? Young People, Generations and Family Life, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Parry, J., Taylor, R., Pettinger, L. and Glucksmann, M. (2005) ‘Confronting the Challenges of Work Today: New Horizons and Perspectives in L.Pettinger, J.Parry, R.Taylor and M.Glucksmann (eds.) A New Sociology of Work?, Oxford: Blackwell.
Parry, J. (2005), ‘Care in the Community? Gender and the reconfiguration of community work in a post-mining neighbourhood’, in L.Pettinger, J.Parry, R.Taylor and M.Glucksmann (eds.) A New Sociology of Work?, Oxford: Blackwell.
Pettinger, L., Parry, J., Taylor, R. and Glucksmann, M. (eds.) (2005) A New Sociology of Work? Oxford: Blackwell.
Potts, N. (2017), ‘Exploring Marx’s Value Theory In Our Inflationary World: Why It Is Not Moseley’s Way Or The Highway!’, Marxism 21, Vol. 14, No. 2, Summer, pp.198-232.
Potts, N. (2016), ‘Two Temporal Single System Interpretation of Marx Calculations of the MELT’, Marxism 21, Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer, pp.94-122.
Potts, N. (2016), ‘‘Surplus Profits’ and Progressive Land Ownership: A Marxist Perspective’, Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, Vol. 44, No. 3, Summer, pp.233-252.
Potts, N. and A. Kliman (2015), Is Marx’s Theory of Profit Right: The Simultaneist-Temporalist Debate, Lexington Books, Lanham (USA), ISBN 978-0-7391-9631-1.
Potts, N. (2014), ‘An Unacceptable Misrepresentation: Dismissing Marx’s Value Theory By Deliberately Distorting The Temporal Single System Interpretation of Marx’, World Review Of Political Economy, Vol. 5 No. 1, Spring, pp.96-116.
Velija, P. (2019) Gender and Leadership in English Cricket: A Case Study of the Women’s Cricket Association and the England and Wales Cricket Board in Gender diversity in European sport leadership: progress and stagnation. London: Routledge.
Velija, P. (2018) Gender and Sexual Relations in British Sports Broadcasting: Beyond Clare Balding in Magrath, R. eds LBGT Athletes in Sports Media London: Palgrave.
Velija, P. with Mansfield, L. (2017). ‘The UK House of Commons Women and Sport Report 2014-2015: Policy, Evidence and Impact’, in (eds) Mansfield, L., Caudwell, J., Wheaton, B., and Watson, R. The Palgrave Handbook of Feminism and Sport, Leisure and Physical Education. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan.
Velija, P. (2015) Women’s Cricket and Global Processes: The Emergence and Development of Womens Cricket as a Global Game. Palgrave Macmillian.
Velija, P. and Hughes, L (2019). ‘Men fall like boiled eggs, Women like boiled eggs: Civilised female bodies and gender relations in British National Hunt racing. International Review for Sociology of Sport, 54,1, first published date 09 June 2017.
Velija, P., Ratna, A and Flintoff, A (2012). ‘Women and Cricket: Negotiating the Changing Field of Play, International Review for Sociology of Sport, ifirst.
Velija, P., Fortune, L., and Mierzwinski, M. (2012). ‘Women, gender and embodiment in the Martial Arts’, Leisure Studies .Ifirst Article, 1-17.
Velija, P. (2012) ‘The Batting is fragile and uncertain’ Media Representations of Women in Cricket (1998-2008)’ Media Report to Women.
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